
18 virtual backgrounds we love

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Team Remote Social
18 virtual backgrounds we love

We all remember that cringeworthy yet hilarious BBC interview. When Professor Robert Kelly was about to discuss, live, the geopolitical impact of the recently impeached South Korean president, his two little ones walk into the room. Yikes!
Sometimes a virtual background can help us look more professional during video conference calls. They can also help us stand out or communicate a point. In these days of video call fatigue, anything we can do to lighten up the conversations and give us an excuse to bring back some fun and casual interactions is in our opinion, a no-brainer.

Using one of our favourite tools, Canva, we've designed and put together a list of awesome backgrounds you can use in your meetings. Some fun, others a bit more pro, there is something here for everyone. We hope you like them and share them with your family and colleagues.

To download a virtual background:

  1. Hover over the image
  2. Right click
  3. Save image as...

In case you need it, here is a videos on how to add and swap virtual backgrounds on Microsoft Teams and Zoom.

Isolation Status

Conference Call Bingo

BBC Interview

Neon Leaves

Rick and Morty

Sr. Memes Coordinator

Remote Social

This is fine

Neon Leaves 2.0

Beautiful Faces

Cool Bananas

The distracted boyfriend meme

Remote Social 2.0

Happy Hour

Summer Stamps


Remote Social 3.0

Welcome & Reminders

We hope you enjoy this selection and let us know if you want to see more virtual backgrounds from team Remote Social.

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